Calypso Software

Calypso 1.0.19 released

Calypso 1.0.19 has been released for Windows, Mac, and Cloud. Updates are free. On Windows, you can update your copy of Calypso by going to Home -> Settings -> Update Calypso Now, or downloading the new installer using this link: Mac users can download a new DMG file using this link: You can access Cloud Calypso at

New  in Version 1.0.19: Tablet Support

* Cloud Calypso now supports touch devices, including both iPads (requires Safari instead of Chrome) and Android tablets.

* Virtual joystick simulates gamepad input on touch devices.

* Press and hold to simulate a right click on tablets.

Other Changes in 1.0.19

* You can now move the camera viewer window by clicking and dragging (or pressing and dragging on a tablet) anywhere within the window.

* Smarter handling of quotation marks in HEAR predicate.

* Bug fixes for executing rules on multiple characters.